Refpay Media

Video Marketing is tied with recognizing how organizations can coordinate videos to each social media channel of their marketing strategy, apart from digital podcasts and blogs.

Video content marketing is all about recognizing how organizations can tailor their videos to fit different social media platforms as part of a broader marketing strategy, including podcasts and blogs. The primary focus of video content is to deliver engaging, entertaining, and helpful visual content to the audience.

The primary focal point of video content is to give engaging and entertaining, and helpful visual content to the audience.

If you glance around, you will see numerous Digital marketing trends incredibly affecting our lives and on the top, we have video content marketing trends.

Let’s see how content marketing drives results and brings in maximum profit for your business:

  • 86% accept video increased traffic to their site 
  • 83% report that video has assisted increment with time on page 
  • 84% say video has assisted them with producing leads 
  • 94% concur that video expands client comprehension of their items and administrations 
  • 78% report that video has straightforwardly helped increment deals

How do these percentages highlight opportunities for your brand? Think about these pointers:

  • 86% of organizations report utilizing video as a marketing tool 
  • 93% of advertisers who use video think of it as a significant strategy
  • Over 99% of advertisers who use video hope to keep utilizing it 
  • 87% report positive ROI from their video content 
  • 84% say video has assisted them with creating leads 
  • Of the individuals who don’t utilize video, 69% hope to begin in 2021

Here is a list of easy tips for implementing Video Marketing in your SEO strategy:

  1. Tailor video content to individuals looking for it 

Make video content that relates to your crowd. While making any content, particularly a video for SEO purposes, you should tailor it to individuals looking for it and watching it up. 

In case you don’t know precisely who your crowd is, simply consider who you cater to. Knowing individuals who will watch your video and taking into account them will make your video SEO content more effective.

  1. Add SEO keywords to your video titles and descriptions

Keyword research is exceptionally valuable with regards to making a title and depiction for your video. You don’t need to be a video SEO expert to do keyword research, (even though having a group of experienced SEO experts unquestionably makes a difference)! There exists SEO tools to assist you with it. 

When composing the title and description for your video, you should make a point to incorporate your primary keyword and related keywords. Likewise, compose a title and depiction that makes somebody need to watch your video.

video Marketing
  1. Incorporate video transcripts for SEO 

As a little something extra, consolidating video and content together will help you appeal to a bigger crowd. It’s said that 80% of Internet clients will watch a video on a website, and 20% lean toward texts. By posting both video and text components, you’re obliging 100% of your crowd’s content consumption preferences. 

  1. Promote video content as a component of your SEO system 

Similarly, as keywords research, it’s pivotal to investigate potential ways you can build video views on your site. 

Advertising and Promoting your video content will enhance your SEO endeavors and lift traffic to your site.


Video is seemingly the most engaging and irresistible type of content on the web, so no big surprise that video marketing trends change from year to year. 

Some 54% of buyers say they need to see more video content delivered by a brand they support. As brands understand the adequacy of unique and original videos like product showcases and customer testimonials, they are putting additional time, effort, and imagination into such pieces.